A Dog’s Unexpected Dilemma : The story of being stuck with his head stuffed in a transparent box

Rescuers in Carleton, Michigan recently received multiple reports regarding a large dog in a distressing situation. Several Good Samaritans witnessed the same pup running through their neighborhood with a plastic tube stuck on his head, causing concern that he was unable to remove it himself. “He was unable to drink, unable to eat, and was deprived of oxygen due to the tightness of the tube around his head,” mentioned Tom Walsh, one of the concerned citizens who alerted the rescue team.

TLSARS is collaborating with local dog rescuer Kim Broman Canales, who strategically placed trail cameras in the area to monitor the stray dog’s movements. Despite their efforts, time was running out for the pup as days went by and he continued to wander. Even when they located him, he proved difficult to catch. Walsh explained, “We had a trap set up for him, but with that jug on his head, he couldn’t pick up the scent. So, he just kept walking past the food because he couldn’t smell it.”

Kim Broman Canales put scent boosters in the trap, such as liquid smoke, to attract the dog, but unfortunately, the poor dog couldn’t even smell it. Therefore, he continued to run. Predictably, the pup’s condition deteriorated further. Not only was the dog losing energy rapidly, but the rescuers were also concerned about coyotes in the area posing a threat to him. With no means of defending himself and growing weaker by the minute, he was at risk of becoming easy prey for predators.

Kim Broman Canales’ persistence paid off on the third day when she unexpectedly found herself facing the dog head-on. “She just happened to come around the garage one way, and he came around the other way,” Walsh explained. Armed with her trusty leash, Canales quickly slipped the loop over the dog’s head and secured it around his neck. The large dog was finally safe.

Kim Broman rescued the lost dog and took him straight to TLSARS. The friendly pup was no longer wandering the streets, but his head was still stuck inside an empty cheese puffs container. “It was so tight we couldn’t pull it off his head,” Walsh explained. “We literally had to cut it off of his head.”

Shortly after, the dog, whom Walsh named Cheeto, was finally liberated at The Last Stop Animal Rescue and Sanctuary. Once the plastic jug was removed, revealing the cutest puppy-like face, the affectionate boy couldn’t have been more thankful.

The Last Stop Animal Rescue and Sanctuary is now taking full-time care of a dog named Cheeto, according to Walsh and his wife, Sue. They suspect that Cheeto may have had a family at some point and are hopeful to reunite them. Unfortunately, Cheeto did not have any identification when found, making it uncertain if a reunion is possible. In the meantime, the Walshes are ensuring that Cheeto receives the necessary care he needs. Despite being a bit underweight from his time as a stray, Cheeto has a healthy appetite. He even displays good manners when it comes to food. Describing Cheeto as well-behaved, Walsh mentioned, “He’s a big dog, but he’s very gentle.” Since arriving at TLSARS, Cheeto has become friends with numerous animals, showing affection to everyone from cats to mini horses. Fortunately, Cheeto is receiving a lot of love and care in return. “He was a very lucky dog,” Walsh remarked. “And now, he’s doing great.” If you would like to support animals like Cheeto in receiving the necessary care, you can make a donation to The Last Stop Animal Rescue and Sanctuary here.

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